Friday, January 24, 2014

The truth is...

Because we want to change the world.

That is the honest answer to the question we have been asked numerous times within the last several weeks.  The question:  Why are you moving to California?

For whatever reason, that is not the answer I've (or we've) given.  We usually answer something like this:  "We miss it."  "We are ready for a new adventure."  Blah, blah, blah.

But honestly, the real answer is because every Sunday and Wednesday when we sit and watch the Mosaic live stream, we are crawling out of our skin with desire to be a part of that community.  Their goal is our goal:  To change the world by starting with changing the most influential city in the world - Los Angeles.  To show the beautiful people of that city who Jesus really is and how He can infiltrate an industry, many industries, a city, and the people He so deeply loves with love.  How we, as Christ-followers can thrive and be different, be full of His life and light in a city plagued with rejection, success, hopelessness, hopefulness, wealth and poverty, influence and affluence.  How loud love speaks through our words and actions and that we long to follow the greatest commandment of all:  Love one another. 

So, why is it so hard to give that answer?  Because it sounds insane.  Because one could argue that you can change the world from wherever you live and it doesn’t have to mean that you leave your awesome 3-bedroom-with-a-huge-yard-and-2-car-garage-incredibly-affordable-home, your entire family and some really awesome friends.  Of course that is totally plausible.  People do it everyday and God uses them incredible ways.  

But the only explanation to that longing, that aching, of being a part of a tribe that we feel so closely connected to is because that's where Jesus wants us to be.  That's the reason.  That's the explanation.  It doesn't mean we won't miss our incredible family that we love so much.  It doesn't mean we won't be questioning ourselves when we feel lonely without them, or crazy in our little place, or when tightening our belts so tight we are uncomfortable and maybe even a little miserable. 

We are ready for a new adventure.  There is truth in that.  We miss California.  There is truth to that too.  But we want to change the world, and for us, that means becoming a part of a community where we can do that.  No, they don't even know we're coming.  But God does.  And since He's the one in the midst, the one driving that community, we are sure He knows and is more than ready for us to get there.  We are pretty sure He's been waiting on us for a while. 

City of Angels, here we come.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Sometimes Blogger's Apology

A Sometimes Blogger's Apology

"I've been meaning to write.  Actually, I've written about 100 blog posts in my head since my last post. A couple have made it to the page, one is still sitting in draft mode here, forever to be unpublished… maybe.

I've neglected posting, but thought about it often.  And now, so much time has passed, I feel silly in asking you to "check out my blog".

But I will begin again.  I will promise to post more.  I will do my best in keeping that promise.  I will likely fail.  But thankfully, the few people that happen to read what I right will continue to do so.  (Isn't that what family and best friends are for?)

So here we are January 21, 2014, 9 months from my last post.  I'm sorry it's been so long.  Thanks for "checking out my blog".   I'll post more often, I promise."